Friday, July 27, 2012

Same name, new purpose!

“A year from now you will wish you had started today.” – Karen Lamb

Change is good, change is healthy and the above quote says it all since “By changing nothing, nothing changes.” – Tony Robbins.
I’ve come to realize that I love talking, sharing, listening and especially helping out people. And I like to think that I’ve gained my share of experience in my short lived life. I don’t claim to be a master of these things and all I want to do is share these experiences with you in the hopes that I can help, comfort or maybe even motivate you.

Food. Exercise. Read. Travel.

Those four words basically translate the four pictures in my banner and they sum up to one word: LIVE. And I can honestly say that I’ve been living my life to the fullest for only a few years now. These four “activities”, if I may call them such, have changed and defined my life in the following ways:
Food. “You are what you eat” – Anthelme Brillat-Savarin.
I like to think that this quote defines me more than others even though it applies to everyone. Being diagnosed with Celiac disease back in 2007 (post to come concerning my diagnostic), I’ve had to change my eating habits drastically. I’ve had to remove Gluten completely out of my diet and although it took quite some time to adjust, it was definitely a positive misfortune that should have probably happened sooner. Since, I’ve adapted, as much as possible, an eat-clean diet allowing myself treats once in a while. Look for upcoming posts of recipe ideas, snacks and more!

Exercise. “Pain is temporary. Quitting is forever” – Lance Armstrong. I first heard of the above quote a few years back when I started watching The Biggest Loser TV show from Jillian Michaels and it just stuck with me. Another one of my favorite, although I’m unsure of the author, “Sweat is fat crying”.
Before September 2009, I was the type to sit on the couch and snack while watching a TV show. Now, I could be one of the contestants on the show! I promised myself and my body that I will never go back to my old ways or how I looked in the past. Look for upcoming posts on exercise tips and tricks!

Read. “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body” – Richard Steele. My choices for books are very similar to my choices for movies and music. And my main rule, I don’t do sappy love stories unless they have a very interesting twist to them such as Twilight or 50 Shades of Grey but even then, I sometimes have a hard time getting through them. I much prefer books that will either take me away in an entirely different world or that will help me grow personally. Keep an eye on future post as I talk about what I read and how they have influenced me.

Travel. “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine
I always loved traveling and I always will. My first journey ever was an organized school trip back in 1999 to Orlando and I promised myself, on the last day of my vacation, that I would visit again. My 2nd visit was in 2005 and my 3rd visit was this past March, 2012. Needless to say, I was hooked from the beginning. Follow me as I reminisce on my multiple trips, not just Orlando, and how they have made me who I’ve become.

My goal with this blog is to post at least 2-3 times a month. And I appreciate feedback in all forms. You can also follow me on Facebook at

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